Migration FAQ

If you are migrating from WOAD to Oable, here are answers to your questions.


This is a big change. Why the move from WOAD to Oable? plus minus

Oable was developed to make open access administration easy for institutions. It enables you to transact your Article Processing Charges or Transformational Agreements through one dashboard. It helps transition your publishing agreements to open access and also supports publishers in their efforts to transform.  
Oable is publisher-agnostic, so it supports TAs and APC fund management in one place across publishers.

Does Oable have everything WOAD does? What else does Oable have? plus minus

The WOAD and Oable product and tech teams have been working together over the last few months to ensure that Oable has all the features you need for a comparable experience and seamless migration. While the interface will have a new look and feel, there will be no loss of critical functionality when you move from WOAD to Oable. Additionally, Oable will allow you to view activity across other publisher agreements.

Are all publishers that have open access agreements on Oable? plus minus

Not every OA publisher is integrated with Oable, but the list of partner publishers is impressive and growing fast.  Contact your Account Manager to get the most up to date list.

Where do I find more training resources? plus minus

Visit the customer success hub for Oable. There are resources to answer your questions.


Can we choose not to migrate to Oable? plus minus

No, all Wiley customers will be using the Oable dashboard by late 2022/early 2023. After this time, WOAD will be decommissioned. Post-migration, Oable is the only source of funding request approvals/denials. 

Is Oable multilingual? plus minus

Not yet, but we will be exploring the option. Since Oable is web-based, those using Chrome and using the Google Translate plug-in can easily translate text on Oable. 

If an institution has more than one OA administrator, can Oable report who approved or denied a transaction? Does the historical trail include information on who took an action at every step? plus minus

Yes. Oable includes a task management rule to coordinate multiple OA administrators and record who has taken an action at each step. 

Will Oable have functionality to allow admins to talk to support for different publishers, depending on the APC requests and TAs? plus minus

Yes. You can also contact support@oable.org for questions.

Will there be a setup fee if I am an existing TA customer with Wiley? plus minus

There is no set-up fee or additional charges for using Oable to manage your Wiley TA.

Will there only be standard reporting available, or are these customizable? plus minus

Oable will launch with standard reports, but these can be customized by working with your onboarding team. 

How do I see the publication status in Oable? plus minus

On the right-hand side, you will see these terms with dates beneath them. As the article is published online for example, there will be a date populated underneath this, and that would show the publication status at that date.

Does Oable send custom messaging to authors? Will WOAD continue to automatically send approval and denial messages to authors. plus minus

Yes, Oable will send custom messaging to authors if an admin elects to use this feature. WOAD will also send an automatic email, therefore, the author would receive two emails.

Why do I see "invalid publication type" in my requests tab? plus minus

Only eligible articles will display in Oable, like they do in WOAD. Oable is simply taking data from WOAD so the existing checks on eligible article types are still happening. We are aware that this “Invalid publication type” message is confusing and we will be removing this soon.

Transactions planned – can you share more info on how they work/use case? plus minus

This is when a Gold Under Review article is approved. Once the article is accepted for publication, it can then move to the paid tab. Until then, it will remain in the ‘transactions planned’ tab. This will be similar to when money is held in the ‘under review’ section in WOAD.

Do you tell us the migration date, or is the migration date mutually agreed? plus minus

This is a mutually agreed upon date.

Could you tell us the differences between metadata in the former Wiley dashboard and in the Oable dashboard? What metadata is now included or no longer included? plus minus

The metadata is transferred directly from the Wiley system to Oable. While the key metadata fields are available in Oable there are a small number of fields that we are working to include, such as publication status and license signed date.

Will our previous open access request history be imported into Oable? plus minus

Yes, your historical data will be in Oable.

Can automation be set up as part of the migration? plus minus

Yes, automation can be set up as part of the migration.